Turkey Casserole

1 kg turkey leg, boned, cut into 3-cm pieces
salt to taste
pepper, freshly ground
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp butter
1 onion, finely chopped
50 gms flour
250 ml thick cream
750 ml stock
150g carrots, peeled, cut in half lengthwise
150 g mushrooms
Nutmeg, grated
Garnish: 3 bunches chives, chopped

Season the turkey pieces with salt and pepper. Heat the oil and butter, and fry the turkey on all sides. Add the onion and flour, and fry together quickly. Pour on the cream and the stock then cook, covered, over a low heat for about 45 minutes until the meat is tender, stirring frequently. Slice the carrot lengths into 1/2-cm thick pieces. Cook briefly in salted water, then sieve, plunge into cold water, leave to drain well. Cut the mushrooms into even pieces. Heat the mushrooms, then add the carrots, with some salt and pepper. Season the casserole with the nutmeg then mix in the vegetables and heat through quickly. Chop the chives finely. Garnish

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