


6 egg yolks

1 cup sugar

1 1/4 cup mascarpone cheese, room temperature

1 3/4 whipping cream

20 pcs ladyfingers biscuits

1 cup strong coffee

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting


1. In the top of a double broiler, over boiling water, combine egg yolks and sugar. Mix constantly using a wire whisk and cook for at least 10 minutes or until sugar dissolve and the yolks become thick. Remove from fire and continue mixing for another 2 minutes. Let it cool slightly  before adding mascarpone cheese.

2. In a separate bowl, whip the whipping cream until stiff using electric mixer.

3. Gently add the whipped cream to the mascarpone mixture, do not over mix. Set aside.

4. Prepare a square or rectangular pan and layer the dipped biscuit at the bottom of the pan.( Coffee must be cooled before dipping the biscuit otherwise it will be soggy )

5. Pour half of the mascarpone mixture over the layered biscuit. Repeat the process of dipping biscuit to the coffee for the next layer and spread the mascarpone mixture at the top. 

6.Cover the pan and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. Just before serving, dust the cocoa powder at the top of the tiramisu. Enjoy!

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