Maja Blanca



10 cups coconut milk

1 cup white sugar

1 cup cornstarch, approximately

1 tbsp vanilla

1 can cream of corn style

1 can whole sweet corn kernel

1 tsp yellow food coloring, optional

toasted grated coconut/ grated cheese, for topping


1. In a big pot, pour the coconut milk and bring to a boil on a medium-high heat. Add sugar and continue cooking. This process need patience as you must stir the mixture constantly while cooking. 

2. Add whole sweet corn  kernel, cream of corn style, vanilla and food coloring, if desired. Let it boil for at least 30 minutes, while stirring constantly. This is to avoid the curdling of the coconut milk. 

3. Dilute half a glass of cornstarch in a cold water and add to the mixture. This dessert need to be thick and creamy. Add more diluted cornstarch if the mixture is not thick enough. To test the thickness of the mixture, put cold water in a small bowl, drop half a teaspoon of the mixture, if it doesn't separate when you shake the bowl, that means its thick enough. 

4. Pour the mixture in a glass serving tray. Spread it evenly. Make sure it cool down at room temperature before refrigerating for at least 2 hours.

5. Slice into squares and top with toasted grated coconut or grated cheese, if desired.

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