Ube Malagkit Biko with Macapuno Strings



3 cups glutinous rice

1 can Ube condensed milk

1 1/2 cup coconut milk

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp salt

1 jar macapuno strings

Optional Topping: sesame seeds, latik, desiccated coconut or anything you fancy


1. Wash the glutinous rice until water runs clear, transfer in a cooking pot and add enough water to cook in a medium high heat.

2. In a deep frying pan, mix the coconut milk and Ube condensed milk. Let it boil for 10 minutes, with constant stirring,  then add the cooked glutinous rice, salt and vanilla. Continue stirring until liquid dries up and the mixture is thick.

3. Add the macapuno strings and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring continuously.

4. Transfer into a serving tray and add toppings, if desire or just plain. Let it cool before serving.

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